Some sketches of flowers from my garden - I am working on a series of seasonal flowers, which I am posting on Instagram. Here in Germany we are in the middle of Spring at the moment and I have really enjoyed sketching these and building up a small collection. My hope is that I can slowly build up a collection that reflects the changing seasons and what is growing and blooming !
Here are a few designs and collections that I have reformatted as 'tall pins' for pinterest. I love using pinterest for inspiration - but have not used it too much for pinning my own work yet - so it will be exciting to see where these pins end up !
It's that time of year when lots of friends are leaving - some just for the summer and some permanently to start new adventures in far off places. Wishing you all a wonderful summer - safe travels and hopefully some sunshine !
Stamps from around the world
Forever summer
This is my entry for the Lilla Rogers Global Talent Search, a competition run by a great agency. Over the past year I have taken several courses run by Lilla Rogers and I have learned so much about developing my work and how to make it sell. I have some great projects in the works now.
The brief for this competiton was very interesting - mini terrariums for the wall art market. There are so many different types of terrarium - with plants, succulents, flowers and even little models of people and houses. So there was a lot of room for interpretation, it should make for a very varied gallery. The top 50 will go through to the next round. So I have my fingers crossed !
I sketched a lot of ideas to get to my final piece. The idea of 'Forever summer' is that the terrarium can be a little piece of summer even if it is cold and wintry outside. So I had a lot of fun with summer and winter foliage and contrasting colour palettes. The lettering was inspired by vintage seed packets. I have a whole pinterest board full of them !
So - wishing everyone who entered the best of luck. Can't wait to see all the entries !